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Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty provides a level of representation ordinarily associated with legal practices in major metropolitan centers. Our attorneys are routinely...
IntelliCulture provides an affordable equipment management software for vineyards/orchards. Our plug and play GPS device connects into any piece of farm machinery to...
Lumo, the precision irrigation company revolutionizing water m read more
Transform your winery operations with NetSuite’s cl read more
It’s generally believed that farmers are slow to adopt new technology. Yet, while this adage may be true for more expensive and untested innovations, when a new technology is practical, affordab read more
Lumo Irrigation Smart Valves Redwood Empire Vineyard Management Wente Vineyards
What is PAGA?Since 2004, California’s Private Attorneys General Act (“PAGA”) has allowed an individual employee to “stand in the shoes of” the State to recover civil pena read more
One of the most exciting advancements in the changing world of viticulture is the advent of automated harvesting through the use of robotics. This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way gr read more
automated harvesting robotics financing equipment financing robotics financing
One of the larger industry trends reflected here at LibDib is the proliferation of craft tequila and mezcal brands. These brands have amazing stories behind them and we love supporting small importers read more
After veraison, as grapes develop their enticing color in the vineyard, the age-old battle between man and nature — in the form of hungry birds — begins. Vintners and farmers have experime read more
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