Search: PPO
DELLA TOFFOLA is a world leader in the design and manufacture of technologically advanced, award-winning solutions for the wine and beverage industry.DELLA TOFFOLA began...
Recent technological advances make it possible to accelerate the breeding process to help wine grapes adapt to climate change, increase disease resistance or cluster size, reduce sugar content, improv read more
GreenVenus winemaking agriculture technology polyphenol oxidase gene PPO Colombard Malbec innovation
The humid, rainy weather conditions create ideal settings for Botrytis, impacting fruit quality. In winemaking, this translates to increased risks of microbial instability, oxidation, difficult fermen
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While the start of the serious rainfall here in California (hopefully) marks the end of fire season and smoke-taint risk, there is still a significant amount of fruit that has not yet been harvested, read more
Each grape has its own intrinsic phenolic potential (anthocyanins, tannins) that determines the color and structure of the future red wine. This phenolic potential depends on different factors such as read more
As businesses struggle to attract new talent, many companies are starting to boost their employee benefits offerings. Because of this, many businesses are offering added benefit choices through variou read more
Increasing public concern with sulfite content in wine as well as wine quality loss by high sulfite additions has created the need for new winemaking tools and practices to reduce sulfite use. SO has read more
There is probably not much to sing about the rain coming down so early. But something can be done.Endozym Antibotrytis: an acid protease that will diminish or eliminate the laccase polyphenol oxidase read more
Laccase is an enzyme formed by Botrytis cinerea on grape surfaces in the vineyard. It is a polyphenol oxidase and is responsible for browning in white wine and loss of pigmentation in red wine. High l read more
Laccase is an enzyme formed by Botrytis on grape surfaces in the vineyard. It is a polyphenol oxidase and is responsible for browing in white wine and loss of pigmentation in red wine. Winemaker read more
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